of the Week
2nd Freak
what can I say other than Ive been busy. So now that I have a little time its
time to do the new column. This weeks FrEaK is none other than former FVWA Champion
Brent Anderson. Arguably the best wrestler in the FVWA Brent started in the old
NCW. Then he joined BWR and then came to the FVWA. With quite a bit of success I might add. Defeating Damnum
at Backyard Brawl for the title he then held the belt for nearly the rest of the year, with a little help from the Holy Trinity,
until former Trinity member Heretic won it from him at Wrestle Riot in on of the greatest matches of the year. Brent also lost an opportunity to regain the championship at HS3, but was unsuccessful. Now in the coming year he will no doubt have his sights set on once again becoming the FVWA World Heavy-Weight
So once
again, until next time stay freaky.
Welcome to the first
edition of my new column, I figured since I can't wrestle anymore I might as well do something!?! So anyway this week's Freak of the week is the second biggest fReAk in the FVWA, Joe E. Terrifying. To say the least he's got charisma. He's
also got more than a few screws loose. But that's part of what makes watching
him entertaining. Known mostly for his weird entrances and fur coat, until this
year he didn't find him self on the winning end of too many matches. But after
Damnum quote "Lit a fire under his ass" he seemed to get things under control. Still acting as crazy as ever he started to
couple together some wins and was about to face then World Champ Brent Anderson at Wrestle Riot. But then, as always seems to happen with him, he ran into some more bad luck. The Holy Trinity didn't seem to like the idea of the title changing hands away from the Trinity so they
decided to attack him back stage and try taking him out for good. Thus nearly
ending Joe E. Terrifyings career. One thing to be a little proud of is that he
can retire the undisputed Stinky Shoe Champion. And I can also say that I was
able to be his tag team partner on a few occasions. Although we never one, it
was still a good time. Well in conclusion it will be interesting to say the least
to watch him either in the ring or out next year. Long live the fur coat
Until next time
stay freaky